Nataliia Volkova
Photograph, artist
On February 24, 2022, my life underwent a radical transformation, dividing it into two distinct periods: BEFORE and AFTER. This was the day the war in Ukraine began. BEFORE that, I was a successful obstetrician-gynecologist with a thriving medical practice in Kyiv. AFTER that fateful date, I became a ‘military refugee from Ukraine’ in Munich. I found myself in a foreign land without knowledge of the language, no opportunity to work in my profession, and with no clear understanding of how to proceed.
Then, by chance, I came across a phrase: ‘Follow your interests, and at some point, everything will converge at one point…’ This phrase showed me the way, and I decided to follow it. Photography entered my life, marking the beginning of my second life, entirely different from the first.
Taking up photography led me to a profound realization that everything in our lives is a moment, and in a moment, everything can change.
© Nataliia Volkova. All rights reserved. Reproduction without prior consent is copyright infringement.